Journal 2017

GROWING TOGETHER בכבוד והוקרה להרב ידמן רפ מענדל שליט'א Your legendary impact with be felt לדורי דורות With appreciation to M RS . S HUMAN For the precious first steps of our daughters' learning and growth. With long lasting memories of all that M RS . G UTMAN ע"ה Meant to our school and our family May the sterling example that M RS . K LEINER ע"ה Set for her family and תלמידות continue to guide them and be an עלייה לנשמתה With הכרת הטוב to M RS . B LUMBERG For her dedication to Bais Yaakov and its staff ישלם ה' פעלכם ותהי משכרכם 'ה מעם שלמה Akiva and Yehudis Feldman