Bais Yaakov Annual Report

Dear Friends and Supporters, What is Bais Yaakov of Baltimore? It is not one building, one classroom, or one desk. It is not one principal, one teacher or one student. Bais Yaakov is a living network of people, places, and experiences that touch and shape the lives of our students. It is also a powerful force in our community. Our school, as one of the largest Bais Yaakovs in the country, educates more than 1,600 students bli ayin hara , and employs more than 400 members of our community. How do we make an impact? Not just with one lesson, one trip or one assignment. Rather, we give our students a rich array of learning opportunities, a love of Yiddishkeit , strong role models and relationships. These experiences create a ripple effect and empower the future women of our community. Inside this Annual Report, you will discover the learning, innovation, and vibrant student life that fills not just a school day, but also the past, present, and future of our community. As our enrollment continues to expand, we hope you will continue to partner with us to make these moments possible. We invite each of you to visit Bais Yaakov and see the expertise and dedication of our moros , teachers and principals, and the shining faces of our daughters each day. We guarantee you will leave with a Bais Yaakov-sized smile! Wishing you all the best, Joseph and Corinne Schwartz Preschool Philip and Shirley Hurwitz Elementary School Lower Elementary School Rabbi Yitzchok Sanders Principal Philip and Shirley Hurwitz Elementary School Upper Elementary School Rabbi Yochanon Stein Principal Rabbi Benjamin Steinberg Middle School Rabbi Naftoli Hexter Principal Rabbi Shaul Engelsberg Principal Eva Winer High School Rabbi Yechezkel Zweig Principal Rabbi Yehoshua Shapiro Associate Principal Mrs. Elise Wolf General Studies Principal Executive Office Rabbi Zalman Nissel Chief Executive Officer Rabbi Aaron Gross Director of Development Rabbi Yacov Simha Vice President, Development 2 Officers Dr. Shmuel Markovitz President Mr. Moshe Dov Shurin Vice President Mr. Ofer Lurman Treasurer Mr. Chaim Berlin Secretary Dr. Yoel Jakobovits Chair, Va’ad Hachinuch Board of Directors Mr. Josh Adler Rabbi Shaul Engelsberg Mr. Dovid E. Feinberg Mr. Shraga Goldenhersh Rabbi Aaron Gross Rabbi Naftoli Hexter Mr. Gil Horwitz Dr. Yoel Jakobovits Mrs. Yocheved Lieder Rabbi Ari S. Neuberger, z"l* Rabbi Zalman Nissel Mr. Eliezer Portnoy Mr. Yitzie Pretter Mrs. Aliza Samet Rabbi Yitzchok Sanders Mr. Shlomo Spetner Rabbi Yochanon Stein Mr. Yehuda Tropper Rabbi Yechezkel Zweig Dr. Shmuel Markovitz President Mr. Moshe Dov Shurin Vice President * President Emeritus